
Saturday 23 May 2015


Although I surely do feel it. 

The reason for the long silence is that my 3 year old son came down with chicken pox. 

Then my one year old son came down with chicken pox. 

Then I came down with chicken pox. 

The humiliation of a 40-year old man sent home from school because he has chicken pox is pretty complete, it has to be said. Thanks to living in the future, I was still able to teach my Year 11 lessons  via Skype to make sure they were ready for the exam. 

What this little visitation by Nurgle has meant is that there's very little in the way of painting been done. Here is the sum total of my efforts for the last fortnight:

I've blocked in the base colours on the Orc team and done some slightly different skin tones. And that's it. 

Hopefully I'll be able to get into the swing a bit and do some more over half term if I'm feeling better, so please don't abandon me!

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