
Saturday 2 May 2015

Sabotaged by my own wife...

I'd been doing so well. 

I'd stuck to the Wars of the Roses project. I'd not bought much stuff. I'm ready to start on the Bloodbowl teams. 

I'd been good. 

But today, The Good Lady Er Indoors Mrs West spotted something for sale on one of those local Facebook pages; and I found myself presented with this:

They need rebasing as whoever it was stuck then together in quite a random fashion, but a full late war company for £15 is not to be sniffed at. 

The problem Is, of course, that I now have to build an opposing dice of equal size....

I'd been doing so well. 

Oh and the addition of 96 troopers has shot my pledge all to hell. Or do we count them as bases?


  1. The best laid plans of mice & men...

  2. The sacrifices one must make to keep one's wife happy...

    1. It's going to be a struggle, but I'm going to pretend to accept the gift in good grace. In the name of marital harmony only.

  3. You poor man, but it sounds like you've put a brave face on it and accepted them magnanimously! As for the pledge, I don't count gifts on the tally!

    1. I like the cut of your jib, Mister Awdry! Count they shall not.

      Welcome back, btw.
