
Thursday 23 July 2015

Odd Jobs

So this week has largely been a write off between looking after the bairns and catching up on sleep from last year*. I did, however, manage to get some bits and pieces of prep work done.

  • I have undercoated some Neville Wars of the Roses serjeants for Lion Rampant, as I am determined to get both forces finished in time for open evening at school in September
  • I've also stripped the Human Blood Bowl team so that me and the Good Lady She Who Must Be Obeyed can have a few games
  • And while I was on, I stripped what appears to be a Moria Cave Troll I picked up from a car boot sale.

I'm suffering one of those periodic lacks of mojo that hit all of us every now and again. I think, in order to kickstart my painting, I need to move on to pastures new - that means parking the Wild West project. I know there's only four of them left but... yeah. For the moment, they're a sacrifice I'm going to have to make.

Hopefully some pictures of some hot painting action this weekend.

*I'm not joking - on Tuesday I slept from 8am to 3pm. I've never been this tired in my entire life. 

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that you've surfaced again! There will be no stopping you now.
