
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Space Hulk

It's the best game ever. We all know this to be true. There are few games that can get the adrenaline surging like being the Marine player on a 3-minute clock as what feels like thousands of stealers pour down the corridor towards you...

Anyway, as you know I've replaced the terminators with metal ones. Today I dug out the boxes and started figuring out what was there and what wasn't.

First up, the Stealers. All present and correct although they have been painted in my Blue Crab Tyranid colour scheme. This doesn't bother me. The pale colour fits with the lightless confines of space hulk for me. And I have plenty more Stealers if I decide to go old school with them.

There were also the Genestealer hybrids from the expansion. I have no intention of using these but they should be fun to paint up.

There were also the Librarians, continuing the pattern of awful Marine plastic sculpts for this game.

I seem to have a full set of all counters except the doors. Annoyingly I know I've seen them somewhere before we moved house; so the question is do I buy a replacement set from ebay for a tenner or do I design and laser cut my own from MDF?

Lastly, and most annoyingly I have all the rule books and even the hardback campaign book - but not the original Mission book. Does anyone know where I can find a pdf copy of that?

Lastly, and most annoyingly I have all the rule books and even the hardback campaign book - but not the original Mission book. Does anyone know where I can find a pdf copy of that?

Overall I'm very happy - as soon as I can score the missions, I'm ready to play.

And some leftovers in the original paint scheme


  1. Those plastic space marines are hideous! :))
    Not a game I've played before - it never took my fancy. I did have the original Space Crusade, while my friend had Hero Quest. I hated the look of Advanced Space Crusade, but liked the Tyranid models. I think the next game I then got was Battle Masters (MB games) and that took me down the Fantasy road instead of Sci-Fi.

    1. I was already playing WFB and WFRP by the time that Space Hulk arrived. My affection for it is simply based around the fact that it is such an elegantly simple yet brilliant game. More or less every modern dungeon crawl game owes a massive debt to this one.
