
Monday 28 March 2016

€#%*ing goram it all to hell

Sorry for the long silence. A lot of my time has been taken up on recording revision podcasts for my year 11s on a variety of history topics. 

However, it wouldn't be a holiday without a new project on the horizon. In this case, it is also work related. The GCSE History coursework this year includes a question about the different tactics of the two world wars and their impact on casualty figures. Now; trench warfare is a piece of cake to teach. But getting the students to understand the reality of a war of movement like you get in North Africa or Northern France: the role of blitzkrieg and combined arms... That's quite tricky. 

This year I've had some success with using gaming simulations for Waterloo and Trafalgar (if anyone wants the rules I knocked together, give me a shout). So a simple Company level engagement for WW2 seems made to measure. 

So nice dig out some Flames of War stuff and got to work. 


You might remember I painted some German infantry, a few STuGs and a couple of shermans before. I've lost them. Totally gone. I've looked in the garage, the loft - no sign anywhere. This is a touch frustrating, hence the title of the post. 

Anyhow, onwards and upwards. So here's the start of the new project:


  1. I too tend to misplace many of my gaming things and books...mainly because a lot of it lives in boxes in the loft...or boxes under the bed...or boxes in/on various cupboards/shelves/wardrobes. Oh for a dedicated gamesroom/den/man cave!

  2. Oh, I hate when that happens! I tend to pile stuff, and when I lose something it's often because I piled other stuff on top of it. They will probably turn up once you get the new ones painted.
    Those bases with the round corners - just curious, where are they from and what are they made of?

    1. They're Battlefront round bases. Simple little plastic jobs.

  3. Always fun when you can shoehorn the hobby into the work place - best of luck with these.
