
Wednesday 2 March 2016


Hello to my new followers!

Had a bit of fun finishing off the basing of the last few cowboy miniatures so I now have a complete posse:

Of course, I say complete... I might have wandered on to Artizan Designs to treat myself. After all, there is surely no such thing as too many cowboys...

As it happens, I found one that I had forgotten about, so painted him up as Sy Tolliver from Deadwood.

This is a slightly different style to my usual paintjob, mainly caused by my trying to get a handle on the new brush. I've also noticed that the most recent sculpts I've bought have tended toward much sharper edges, lending themselves more toward the harder edge highlighting you see here. Has anyone else noticed a slight change in sculpting style over the last few years?

I also, heartened by my success with the standing stones, decided to make some scatter terrain. In this case, cacti:

Simple sculptures from super-sculpey (in one case Fimo) and a quick paint job. Quick, simple and fairly effective.


  1. Posse looks great...and the cacti are brilliant! Look forward to seeing which Artizan ones you've gone for...all my cowboys are Artizan, I love 'em!

    1. Thanks! I have quite a few Artizan's - Wild Bill and Al Swearingen being my two favourites - but there were three I simply couldn't resist any longer.

      You must know which ones I mean :)

  2. Almost certainly true, that you cannot have enough cowboys and the latest addition is a real belter.

    1. Good job you said that; six more have just dropped through the letterbox...
