
Sunday 3 July 2016

The Dark Times Are Coming

Having got my Bloodbowl teams up and running, thoughts turn naturally to the next project.

Next year we're teaching a new GCSE History course and - for the first time in my career, I'm only teaching one subject so I will have brain space to devote to other things that just keeping on top of 7 different exam specifications (2013-14, a very hard year). 

So I've been thinkin about the Norman period, as this is our Depth Study. In glorious serendipity, last month's WSS had a lovely article on gaming the rebellions in the 1070s. 

You can see where this is going, can't you?

So I've made a small start on some Saxons using the Gripping Beast minis from my birthday 2 years ago:

And I mussed up the shields a tad as I always like my miniatures to look like they've been round the block a few times. 

I've also ordered some Conquest Norman Knights from Annie at Bad Squiddo - excellent price and she offers the extra Knight to make up the Saga units as standard, which makes her both a scholar and a gentlewoman. Send some business her way if you don't already. 

This should be relatively easy* - a few units for Lion Rampant or SAGA ready for Open Evening in September. 

*please don't remind me I said this is December. 

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