
Tuesday 23 August 2016


Arrrrgh. Pay day is looming and I'm suffering from serious gamer's ADHD. The middle earth stuff is on hold til I've done the dragon which is an airbrush job; this makes it quite a serious undertaking and is enough to grind that little project to a halt for a while.

So it's new project time; and lo! paralysis has set in. The choices are:

Chariots for Favtvs Fvrivs
28mm Dune
Master and Commander style Napoleonic sail - either sails of glory or some second hand miniatures I've just spotted on eBay.
Back to the Normans and Saxons

Price wise all of those are roughly equivalent - apart from Sails of Glory unless I can find a starter set very cheap second hand; and unless I decide just to treat myself to the Floating Fat Man from the Dune range I've found.

So what do I do?

Any advice gratefully received as I am totally torn.


  1. Pass.
    The sensible thing is to not spend for spending's sake, but even I don't follow that advice.
    Second piece of useless advice for wargamers would be to finish off what you've already started, but where's the fun in that.
    Thirdly, for a quick Napoleonic naval game, maybe Osprey's rules book from Amazon and a few 1/2400 models from Tumbling Dice. £20 will get you the rules and some boats and then if you don't like them you could probably sell them off on eBay, once given a quick paint job, for at least the price you'd paid for them. It won't be the first time I've done that with some naval stuff.

    1. It was the Osprey rules I was more interested in; I have to say that my main interest in Sails of Glory is the pre-programming; like X-Wing et al, you've decided your movements and then work them out simultaneously. That seems a pretty good simulation to me. But I have to say I was thinking more 1/1200 than 1/2400...

    2. Oh right, I've never looked at the Sails of Glory rules so it is interesting to hear they're like X-Wing in the respect you've mentioned.

      Ship scale, I've had 1/600 (though only for ACW), 1/1200 (best on the market is Langton Miniatures, though it can be tough to do them justice with the painting and rigging), 1/2400 (Tumbling Dice have the advantage of them having the rattlings already cast - at least on the models I've seen - and the models are small enough to get away with not having to rig individual pieces of thread), 1/3000 (Navwar's Nap' models in 1/3000 are 100% better than their 1/1200 to my mind. The larger Rated vessels also fit nicely onto GW 25mm square bases, too. Smaller Rates and Unrated on the GW 20mm bases - at least that's what I did, and sculpted 'sea' around each model boat on the bases).

      Never paid much attention to the Sails of Glory models, so I don't know what they're like. I'll google them as I'm interested to see if they could be repainted and rigged.

    3. Thanks - a lot of food for thought there. I still think I'm leaning toward the slightly larger models simply becaus they afford more opportuni for painting and modelling. That, of course, is the downside to Sails of Glory. The models are OK but nothing special.

    4. Here's a link for you, if you don't already know of it. Very helpful and inspirational blog, I find. There's one specific post, I've just spotted, where the chap modifies a SoG model and provides plenty of photos, so it might be of use.

    5. Thanks, yeah - I've spent a lot of time open mouthed looking at his scratch builds.

  2. Get yourself the Hornblower box set and go for the Master & Commander, with a cheeky Floating Fat Man on the side! If it's an consolation Im telling myself that I can't order Congo before pay day - 2 days and counting!

    1. You filthy temptress. I have to be a good boy - we've just remortgaged the house.

    2. I've know what you mean, just checked the old balance, the joys of the summer holidays have not helped!

    3. WA-hey - turns out the first repayment on the new mortgage is not until October. I may not have to be a good boy after all!

  3. Love Dune...what is this range you speak of? And one can never have enough Normans and Saxons.


    2. And I'm the temptress? These look great, are they 28mm, it wasn't clear on the website.

    3. Cheers for the link. Very nice!

    4. Yes, they are 28mm. I've seen them painted up much more nicely the ones on the web store. Very, very tempting.

    5. Ooh, just looked at the BOF link and I like their Ronin Hood range. Luckily I'm committed to Star Wars now, so I won't be starting a new project :)

  4. Out of that list Dune will win hands down.
