
Sunday 14 August 2016

The Witch King of Angmar

"Those who used the Nine Rings became mighty in their day, kings, sorcerers, and warriors of old. They obtained glory and great wealth, yet it turned to their undoing. They had, as it seemed, unending life, yet life became unendurable to them. They could walk, if they would, unseen by all eyes in this world beneath the sun, and they could see things in worlds invisible to mortal men; but too often they beheld only the phantoms and delusions of Sauron. And one by one, sooner or later, according to their native strength and to the good or evil of their wills in the beginning, they fell under the thralldom of the ring that they bore and of the domination of the One which was Sauron's. And they became forever invisible save to him that wore the Ruling Ring, and they entered into the realm of shadows. The Nazgûl were they, the Ringwraiths, the Enemy's most terrible servants; darkness went with them, and they cried with the voices of death." 
Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age, the Silmarillion

The Nazgul are, for me, the defining creations of Lord of the Rings; and the way they were shown in Jackson's films tallied exactly with how I saw them. I would go so far as to say that, for me, they are definitive. 

So faced with the Black Captain, leader of the Nine Black Riders, it seemed appropriate to spend a little more time on him than usual - especially as the pose and sculpt was so evocative. 

The Witch King of Angmar

Witch King III

The basic painting was quite simple - grey base, black wash, thinned grey highlights, edge highlight and then black glaze to tie everything together.

Witch King II

The base involved a little sculpting to create different levels, some slate from the beach and gloss varnish and inks for the pool.

While I was on with the dark riders in various forms, I also put the finishing touches to this chap:

A tall and evil shape, mounted upon a black horse… The rider was robed all in black, and black was his lofty helm; yet this was no Ringwraith but a living man ... his name is remembered in no tale, for he himself had forgotten it.

Mouth of Sauron The Mouth of Sauron.

Mouth II

Mouth III

Here I went for an overall grimier look; more tattered. I also used some inks to add different tonalities to the blacks. The implication has always seemed to be that he was an important man in some times past, so I wanted a sense of faded finery. This also included quite significant rusting on the barding of his steed.

Obviously this still has the base to do, but he'll probably just end up with desolate rock like the rest of my Evil Middle Earth forces.

And last, but not least, some decent photos of the Gandalf I acquired from somewhere. I'm quote happy with this one, over all.


Gandalf II

Something rather interesting should be arriving in the post tomorrow so stay tuned for the next update...


  1. These are superb and never easy pulling off an all black miniature. Makes me want to dig out my collection and dust them off.

    1. I'm starting to quite enjoy painting black. Certainly getting a lot of practice with it.

  2. Wow, that's a serious bit of work with the Witch King. Lovely jobs all round.

  3. Fantastic! Your paintwork on the Witch king is outstanding!
