
Friday 2 September 2016

Santissima Trinidad

Described by some historians - wrongly - as the largest ship in the world at the time of Trafalgar, the Santissima Trinidad was still a bloody big ship. Four gun decks and 130 guns are not to be sniffed at; she was captured at Trafalgar but blew up the day after due to damage.

This is another of my junked fleet; new job sails made and new bowspit and spanker made from brass rod and styrene. The ratlines were again made from net curtain and thread. 

The rigging this time was a little more complex; quite a bit of it was done with a single thread. Because all rigging and ratlines were done after painting I was able to get more detail on the painting - including the cannon on the quarterdeck.

There will be a slight pause in the naval activities while I get a few bits for open evening done amongst the usual start of the new academic year stress. 


  1. Very nice, another great rescue and addition to your fleet.
    Best Iain

  2. Another cracking ship and best of luck with the start of the year, we've safely negotiated a couple of days of meetings, but already drowning in paperwork!

    1. Thanks Michael. Going to be an odd start for me this year as my Eldest is also starting school.
