
Sunday 16 October 2016

That which is not dead - can still feel pretty bloody awful

Blimey, it's been a while. As is almost traditional, the start back at work led to a horrible disease which in this case landed me in hospital over a weekend - didn't miss a day of work though, taxpayers! - and I didn't eat for a fortnight.

Although good for weightloss this didn't leave much energy for hobby time, hence the long silence. And now She Who Must Be Obeyed has got it leaving me in sole charge of the children. All of which is to say I haven't picked up a brush in nearly a month.

One thing I did have to do was rescue some boxes from the garage which has started leaking. Like old friends, some of my old RPG stuff has emerged blinking into the light

Including one of the very first RPGS I bought that we played every Saturday night for the best part of 5 years, the venerable Call of Cthulhu . This is a true old friend, bought in 1989 and built to last:

Gorgeous art as well, very evocative:

And here's the most recent iteration I bought:

I find it interesting that the 30 year old book stood up the damp garage well but the more recent hardback started to fall apart.

The last thing I did this month was to buy myself a present. I didn't realise at the time that this month marks the 30th anniversary of the publishing of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, another mainstay of the Saturday night group. This game was played so often that our copies of the rulebook disintegrated through heavy use. I bought the second edition, of course, but the old World had changed a bit in ways I don't quite like.

As it happens this last week I finally hunted down a copy of the original edition through the fabulous Lead Adventure Forum:

And here's a few old friends from inside; the Old World and the Critical Hit tables:

This will be played with the boys when they are old enough.

Hopefully should have some time for somexample painting and gaming now we're all on mend so there should be more updates soon.


  1. Good Lord man, hospitalisation! That's a fairly hefty strain of man flu you have up there, but glad to hear that things are on the up. Not long to half term!

  2. Such wonderful nostalgia. A remedy for any ailment.

  3. Lovely finds within the garage. I've also been delving within the crawlspace to discover all those long stored RPG's. I've even gotten to the stage to sell many of the old D&D items. However like you, when reminiscing I couldn't add the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay & my Rolemaster/Middle Earth Roleplay to the mix. Get well soon! Those flu's can be horrid these days.

    1. I've been seriously tempted by the new Middle Earth supplement for D&D to get that old MERP hit.

  4. Bugger. Bit of a bad patch you've had of late. Hopefully the rest of the year will pick up and be plain sailing.

  5. Overcome with nostalgia. My `not Humphrey Bogart' figure may be somewhere.

    1. I still have him and the Not Cagney in the packet.

  6. Hope you are feeling better, Call of Cthulhu 4th edition is a great book... got it to :)

    1. I've got 4 5 and 6; love em all. Not sure about 7, though.

  7. What wonderful finds! Hope you get the time to use them in a game sometime. I for one have recently got back into Call of Cthulhu, and would love to pick up WFRP again too!
