
Saturday 25 February 2017

The Drift [Part III]

So the first three inhabitants of The Drift are complete.

The painting was relatively simple; a lot of washes and inks to add texture and depth. The key was not to highlight up but to start with quite a light colour over the zenithal priming and then dirty down. The basic tones and palette were stolen shamelessly from Bosch which - given his influence on Ian Miller and John Blanche - permeate the 40k world.

I think there will be a final drybrush of grey ash but I want to make a few more inhabitants before I fully commit myself to that.

I liked the idea of putting an epigram or quote on each base to emphasise the uniqueness of each character; and, I suppose, to underline that these are more an art project than playing pieces.

Next up will, I think, be some Void Pirates who haunt the Outer Rim. I bought myself a couple of boxes of miniatures purely to use as fodder for conversions, which is a first for me:

It wasn't until after I took the picture that I realised you could see the word the Eldest was teaching himself to spell; obviously watching the Hobbit has succeeded in dragging him into our world....


  1. Those are really good. Some great converting and painting work you've done there. Top stuff.

    1. Err, just realised that sounds patronising, or such. It wasn't meant to be ... I never know what to say. Ahh! :)

    2. It didn't come across that way, Roy; just as a lovely compliment. Thanks!

  2. Nice stuff! And those boxes are a gold mine of bits for conversions. Looking forward to seeing what you cook up with them.

    1. Already built a few. Just in the process of painting.
