
Friday 28 April 2017

Look Upon My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair

Round the decay
of that Colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I've been developing the world of the Drift though the characters but there was something missing; in this case, an environment. With one eye on the new release of Necromunda I decided to treat myself to a bit of terrain which would also double for a photo backdrop for more of the Inq28 miniatures.

I chose a ruined factory because, frankly, who doesn't want Sci-Fi Stalingrad?

Once I was happy with the layout as a photo backdrop:

I started on painting. This was fairly obviously going to be an airbrush job.For the basic palette I decided to go with an oily, grimy institutional green - basically the colour of Geidi Prime in Lynch's Dune:

A simply mix of grey and mid green - I also masked off some areas so that I could have chipping revealing the metal beneath.

The outside was done with various metallics:

And then came the weathering. I used a very watery ink wash and a filter to create streaks and then liberal usage of rust effects:

And then tried it with a few miniatures

And finally added a backdrop for the burning sky of the Drift:

Very happy overall and I think this will be very useful to help with photographing SF minis. Who knows, I might even get a game on it!



  1. Really impressed. That looks epic. So 40k.

  2. I have two of those kits unbuilt as well as the new Shadow War terrain.
    Very good idea, building them with the dual purpose of using them as backdrop pieces. And excellent work, I love the weathering on those.

    1. Thanks Leif. Is the new terrain as good as it looks?

    2. Yeah, it is. They are quite cleverly designed so you can do a lot with them. Although I bought the shadow war box which was a ridiculously good deal. With the single kits you are paying more and you are a bit more limited. (They can be combined of course.)

    3. I was gutted I missed the box set. Still, have the rules on order.

  3. You've done a great job on those. Very moody!

    1. Thanks Padre - that's what I was aiming for!

  4. Wonderful work, but now I must ask, where are the miniatures from, or are they custom built from various 40k items?

    1. Custom jobs; if you check the inq28 tag on the post you'll see how they were knocked together.

  5. Fantastic puts my efforts in the shade.

    1. Very kind of you to say so but I've seen your stuff - you flatter me

  6. I think this is like the first time I see someone putting real effort on these buildings, i.e. actually paying attention to the details and not just priming/weathering. All the tiny details are wjat make these kits stand out. Kudos to you!

  7. Very cool mate, terrain has always been where I fell short so I'm jealous :(
