
Friday 21 April 2017

The Horror, the Horror...

Continuing my adventures in the Silver Tower, this time I launch into the Horrors.

You'll notice here two distinct versions of the pink and blue horrors. This was based around a slight conundrum. The chaos stuff from Warhammer has always been brightly coloured and vibrant: but I've been working with a more grimy patina look recently. Was it possible to create the same effect of reality busting colour in a more subdued style?

I think so.

In both cases I started with a flesh base colour and then added a wash as a filter; this was then wet blended into the highlights. On the grimy style, the base was humanoid flesh while on the vibranmt ones the base flesh was pink or blue. Strangely, the highlights were the same colour on both.

The Brimstone horrors were basically drybrushed but that did the job very quickly.

I'm pretty happy with this little group and, as a treat for getting them done I treated myself to two of the magnificent familiars that come with the game:


  1. Lovely sculpts and excellent brushwork

    1. They really are great sculpts - especially those little familiars.

  2. Oh I say they are a colourful bunch; colourful, but with just the right touch of grime. ;)

  3. They are very nice. Varied yet cohesive in appearance.

    1. Good, I'm glad they hold together as a group. I was concerned about that.

  4. Excellent work, I really like how the multi-coloured feathers turned out

    1. Glad you liked that - I'm using that a lot on the rest of the pieces.

  5. The different tones work perfectly. Damn nice job!
