
Friday 5 May 2017

The Last Priest of Morr

When the World That Was Died, the Gods fought back; Sigmar raised his mighty Stormcasts, reforging the heroes of old. But he was not alone in this. Morr, God of Death, Gatekeeper of the Great Sleep, Lord of Ravens, saw the rise of the Undead and feared for the souls under his care.

So he too reforged his priests and warriors in armour borrowed from his Brother; and the Raven Host set forth to beat back the Undead and return them to their rest. 

But one by one, the Gods fell. And Morr... was gone. Dead, asleep, imprisoned - none now know. But without nhis power, the Raven Host fell in battle and were not reforged. But Morr had ensured they would not die. Now they are trapped in a Hell of their Gods' own making, neither alive nor dead, not undead but ever living.

Many of the Everliving went insane, rotting from the inside out. But one kept the faith. Once the High Priest of Morr in a city before the apocalypse, he is now the Last Priest of Morr who holds the line against the undead and tries to care for the Everliving. And every day, at moonrise, he prays over a simple marker stone that Morr will return. 

Finding another, more interesting use for the Warhammer Stormcasts. Again, the figures have a huge amount of presence if you get rid of the stupid helmets and paint them more interestingly than the clean look that seems to be the default.

Construction of this chap was a simple conversion: a head swap, cutting off the hammer and creating a scythe with some brass rod and an offcut.

I shaved all the Sigmar specific details off the shield and shoulder pads to leave a blank canvas. 

I added an old gravestone to the base and built up a mound of earth. Perhaps he's guarding a fresh burial against the undead or hoping for the return of Morr?

Then some slate and filler to texture the base. 

Painting was relatively easy, lots of corrosion and rust on the armour. 

Having spent ages painting the base colour on the sheild, the check and raven's head was pretty nervewracking but they came out ok. 

And here's the final daylight test. 


  1. Love the backstory to this figure. The shield is very evocative, excellent work.

    1. Thanks. Doing freehand is always worrying but satisfying.

  2. That looks amazing.
    Really tempted to do something similar now.

    1. Go for it! They're really easy to make look good - just lose the stupid helmet.

  3. Om my! Fabulous stuff, the shield is just amazing!

    1. Thanks. Doing the raven head was a bit nerve-wracking.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! The idea came before the mini so I hope they fit.

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