
Sunday 2 July 2017

The Far Side of the World

"The Acheron is a tough nut to crack... more than twice our guns, more than twice our numbers, and they will sell their lives dearly. [...] Much will depend on your accuracy... however... even crippled, she will still be dangerous, like a wounded beast."

The second part of my little treat to myself. The difficulty with building the Acheron is that she never existed as a ship; in the book version of Fat Side of the World, the enemy is an American Privateer, more or less the Constitution. For the film, they replaced it with a french Frigate.

I bought a Langton French frigate and brass sails and set to work creating as close as I could version of the ship from the film:

I think, overall I got there. I haven't normally put flags and signals on these models, but for this one I decided to try and match the screen version.

So another two ships to add to my growing fleet.


  1. That's a nice job, extra points for the work on the sails, these are the details thak make a project great.

  2. Outstanding, I really love these.

  3. Lovely stuff, a great display piece.

  4. Beautiful work! I can just imagine them in bottles ...

  5. Very nicely done, congrats!
