
Saturday 30 March 2019

The Codewraith

I am in the signals. I am the hiss of static from an untuned radio. I am the flicker of snow on your screen. I am the blocky glitch in the video, the hitch in the music. I am the frequency on the edge of hearing, the colour you can't quite see, the ghost in the machine. 

And I am here for you. 

This was a simple little noodling about with a ghost. It wasn't started with any sort of a plan, just one of those nice evenings sat in front of the bits box and seeing where the muse takes you. In this case, it led me here. I took the opportunity to play with my new greenstuff cable maker which allows me to produce something a little more flexible than guitar strings.

Overall very happy with the final outcome and it's given me a couple more ideas to so with some ghosty chaps.


  1. Creeeeeeepy! These mechanicus bits really have a lot of potential for some creative conversion. And you really captured a sense of movement here with him floating over the surface dragging his hoses behind him.

    1. Thanks but the Nighthaunt figure does most of the work - great sculpts

  2. That's a lovely conversion.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you sir. Glad it feels like I was aiming for.

  4. Fantastic! I myself have been toying with that idea for a while, it's great to see that it works. Your creation looks awesome!

    1. I think a lot if people felt the same looking at the spooky lads.

  5. Looks fantastic ... the conversion/additions are spot on.
