
Wednesday 1 January 2020

The Eye of the Beholder

First an apology - for some reason, my replies to comments on the blog (and every other blog I follow!) aren't showing up. For some reason my phone no longer seems to recognise my google account for comments which is bizarre. I am not ignoring comments and I am replying they're just not showing up!

This little beauty is my first experience of D&D ready primed miniatures. As the name suggests, just get it out of the packet and start painting.

The results are pretty impressive. I was also impressed at the interchangeable parts and the clear resin eye cover.

As you can see, he didn't take much work with a couple of different contrast shades to get something looking very nice indeed.

The teeth and tongue were painted the old fashioned way and I used tamiya clear red in the eyes.


  1. Oh I like him, great work!
    Regarding your comments, do you use an iphone? I know their built-in web browser (Safari?) doesn't like google blogs. My mate has to use a different browser to post comments.

    1. I think I might have cracked it - different browser on my android phone.

  2. Oh very colourful and impactive.

  3. That's a smashing start to the year.

  4. That is a stunning figure - I might have to get my hands on one.

  5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (someone had to say it, right? ok, maybe not :P )

    Excellent work though! I'd hate to meet one of those in a dark dungeon.

  6. Scary! The contrast between blue and red is impressive!

  7. That is lovely! Excellent Colour scheme

  8. The beholder is one of my favorite D&D monsters and you did a fantastic job on it. Great work!
