
Sunday 16 July 2017

A Dream to Some: To Others - A Nightmare!

Excalibur is a terrible film. I mean, it's very watchable and great fun but it's pretty dire. I am constantly grateful that Boorman didn't get the rights to The Lord of the Rings. Be that as it may, my closest work colleague is a massive fan; there's something slightly perverse about a medieval historian liking a film with such egregious anachronisms, but whatever. He's also the only man I know who can recite the entire Charm of Making which is, I suppose, admirable in a weird way.

In order to celebrate us surviving an absolute cast iron bastard of a year, I wanted to get him a present. There was really only one choice:

This is a lovely, simple sculpt from Rogue Miniatures. The hardest part of the paint job was when I looked at the film and realised that Nicol Williamson's costume wasn't black. There was blue and brown in there as well. 

So the technique was based very heavily around glazes and wet blending to give some different hues to the black robes. Overall, a simple scheme but quite effective. 

The finishing touch was to write the Charm of Making round the base. 

I just hope he likes it!


  1. Outstanding! And as for Excalibur, I get past some of the anachronisms by telling myself that Boorman was trying to synthesize a movie out of five hundred years' worth of contradictory legends and narratives and do justice to all of them.

    1. That's as good an excuse as any. I have to admit, I'm rather fond of the big dumb mess myself.

  2. Cracking job and I have to confess that I have a soft spot for Excalibur, whether it be the soundtrack, the costume design or bloody battles that made quite an impression on a small chap - that said big dumb mess it certainly is.

    1. The nudey bits certainly make an impression on a growing lad as well.

  3. Great work on the piece ... he has that nightmarish look on his face.

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