
Saturday 15 July 2017

The Fallen

This is one of nicest pieces from the new Space Hulk set and I used all the weathering and aging techniques I've been learning over the last year or so to really work up the age and sense of a forgotten corner of a ruined ship.

I'd really like to grime up the other Terminators but seeing as they're supposed to be elite troops it doesn't really fit. I think I'll save it for the  scenic elements of the bases on the Stealers.


  1. The painting is very effective, the appearance of an age old terminator lying undisturbed in it's tomb is very effective.

  2. How did you weather it?

    Great job!

    1. Thanks. I used a thin black glaze for streaks and some tamiya smoke for oil. Then typhus corrosion and nikah oxide on the brass. Finally a very fine/light drybrush with white for a dusty finish. Last touch was Modelmates rust effect.

  3. Wow, when I first saw the first pic I thought it was a John Blanche illustration (or some GW illustrator). The background scenery looks great and the figure is very evocative and well-painted!

  4. This is fantastic work ... superbly weathered too!
