Television is rather a frightening business. But I get all the relaxation I want from my collection of model soldiers.
Peter Cushing

Sunday 23 February 2020

Fearsome Engines

"The Legio Pythia - known colloquially as the Noctis Pythonis, the Night Witches - saw heavy fighting along the spinward front. The specialised in devastating hit and fade attacks previously thought impossible with Titans. Although many of their forces were lighter Reaver and Warhound pattern engines, the Traitor Legios quickly learned to fear the appearance of a Warlord in the Purple and Black livery of the Night Witches." 

From Fearsome Engines: A History of the Legios on the Spinward Marches, Ayjaypee T'Lar, Mars University Press, m40.231

As a youth in the late 80s I had many a fun afternoon playing Adeptus Titanticus. Epic never really got a handle on me, but the simple joy of tooling around a city with a giant stompy robot and smacking seven bells out of other giant stompy robots went straight to the Godzilla part of my brain.

Unfortunately the rereleased version of the game last year was massively too expensive for me to buy. But this last week they released a new starter set with four titans, two knights and all the gubbins you need. So obviously I was going to buy it. I also through through the project and bought some scenery - as the challenge with painting these is to sell the size of the titans (180' tall!) and some magnets.

To start with, I built the titans and all the weapon variations. I added 3x1mm magnets meaning that the weapons can be swapped out depending on how I choose to run my titans for any given game. It sound fiddly but compared to my previous experience wiht magnets it was a piece of cake. The difficult thing was as always checking the polarity of the magnets before superglueing and working out which parts of the ball joint to sever with the dremel.

As you can see they slip together very easy. 

I also added some of the scenery to the bases to help with the scale. It turns out that Vallejo diorama paste is pretty much the right scale. 

Painting wise is used the same workflow as for the Knights of varying sizes by keeping the armour plates seperate for airbrushing while the skeleton is painted with metallics and drybrushing.

The plates were done with purple and then shaded to black with Black Contrast. The Contrast paints are very interesting used in an airbrush. Being quite translucent anyway they can be sprayed at quite high psi without thinning and used as a filter.

Then a big old gloss varnish to give some depth. 

The various limbs were then painted with blacks and purples and given a massive dose of painted gloss varnish as well. 

Trim was painted with a very bright silver. 

The contrasts came out again to get an engine glow in the exhausts - they are very good for wet blending and so with one three colours you can get a very nice effect. 

There's an awful lot of bits for final assembly!

My other purchase was some N-Gauge model railway trees. I just added some different shades of green to make them less vibrant. 

And then the final touch was some weathering pigmets to finish off the bases...

...and to tie the Titans into the bases.

And so the final effect is, I think, quite effective. 

I am very happy with how these look. Next up will be some teenty tiny Knights and then some traitor Titans. 

Oh, and while I was on, I decided to jazz up the arc templates for the game... 


  1. We'll those are very impressive.

  2. Lovely work on these.
    Bring back memories of playing Adeptus Titanicus back in the day.

    1. I really enjoyed that game. The new rules look like great fun.

  3. My goodness me, this is just wonderful!

  4. Gorgeous stuff. Makes me very tempted to follow your lead and buy some of the new AT stuff. I like the reference to the under equipped soviet unit.

  5. Wow, the colours work perfectly, what a work you did here!

  6. Beautiful, beautiful work! Super color schemes.
