Television is rather a frightening business. But I get all the relaxation I want from my collection of model soldiers.
Peter Cushing

Friday 25 September 2015

TFI Friday

I managed to sit down this evening - again accompanied by the strangeness that is Twin Peaks - to knock off a few jobs hanging around.

First off is my 11th Doctor - another from the redoubtable Heresy Miniatures. A wonderful likeness and great fun to paint.

Next up was some more work on the Witch King - and here we see why I chose the mace with the knob on the end:

A quick slap of paint and it becomes a palantir.

I also made a start on a rather lovely Necromancer I'm doing just for fun. 

Tomorrow I'm hoping to crack out the airbrush and start work on the Carnosaur; I'm massively out of practice, so we'll see how well that goes...


  1. Three really lovely figures! Fantastic.

  2. Wow. Brilliant job on the Doctor! And the eye is just superb!

    1. Thank you Gordon. Quite happy with the palantir.

  3. I'd forgotten about that odd looking mace, but that is genius - not to mention brilliantly done.

  4. Michael has summed up my feelings far better than I ever could. Great stuff!

  5. Brilliant work all around. The Palantir is brilliant, but at first I thought for a yucky moment that it was an eyeball on a stick. Nice job on the doctor - bow ties are cool.
