A long hard week at work and so a collapse into painting in front of Twin Peaks was called for.
I finished painting Balin's Tomb. I'm quite pleased with how it came out. I know that, in theory the books should all be in the Dwarvish alphabet but I went with the mix.
Thanks to the wonderful advice of Mr Roy I checked out a guide on painting marble. I tried it but, alas, it was beyond my skills. I went back to a more traditional stone texture. If you zoom in you can see that I've kept a bit of the marble patterning under the drybrushing.
And I know that there shouldn't really be fresh blood, but I like the recipe Mr Awdrey gave me so much I use it wherever possible.
I also got the basecoat and saying on this chap from the ever reliable Heresy miniatures. I've gone with the series 5 costume for those that care about such things. Mainly, it has to be said, because the series 5 jacket had no checks. The jacket is done here but there's obviously work to do on the rest.
And I also managed to get most of the paint off the Carnosaur. It took two goes and then the application of a pick to scrape out the remainder. I know I joked in the last post but this really was ridiculously thick.