Television is rather a frightening business. But I get all the relaxation I want from my collection of model soldiers.
Peter Cushing

Friday 17 October 2014

God's Fire, England's Fury and West's Zombies

A bad week of parents' evenings and marking has severely cut into my plans for the week. As it happens, I only managed to get the base cut from some offcut MDF at work:
before this evening sitting down to some cutting and sticking. Once I'd got the base in front of me, it rapidly became apparent that my original sketch included too many of the vitally challenged.

A quick rethink led me to these fine chaps. They are constructed from the old faithful Games Workshop Zombie sprue from the turn of the century. Lacking the more outre design elements which came to plague later GW sculpts, these are incredible fodder for conversions, offering arms, heads, bodies and legs which can be mixed and matched to your heart's content.

In order to help anchor the period I carved up a couple of the Warlord Parliamentarians so that some of the foul undead horde would be dressed in a slightly more formal fashion than the run of the mill peasants that the rest of them represented. The Warlord sprues also furnished some headgear which helps give the shamblers some character.

Why is this chap crawling?

It might be something to do with this chap's choice of blunt instrument...

So tomorrow will probably be terrain building and greenstuffing on the brain hungry mass with painting on the schedule for weeknights next week.


  1. interesting - looking forward to the end result.

  2. I'm not a zombie fan myself, but your conversions are excellent (and amusing)!

  3. Thanks chaps. This is another one I've had at back of my mind for a while now although I've not had it as clear as the Dino one. It's going to interesting to see how it come out.

  4. It's just getting better and better! I feel your pain on the parents' evening front as had the same myself and more next week - still not long till half term eh.

    1. I'm liable to me on my knees before half term :)

  5. I'm liking the looks of this project! I love the first guy's hat . . .

    1. I love all the extra gubbins on the Warlord sprues; manna from heaven for conversions.
